
Mastitis describes an inflammation of the glandular tissue which produces milk in mammals.


Urgency level 4


Danger level 3


Symptoms of mastitis occur suddenly. The glandular tissue appears - in parts or as a whole - thickened, swollen or even hardened. Upon handling the skin is increasingly warm. The teats may be yielding a pusy fluid. In some cases fever is present. As a result, affected animals appear lethargic and weak with poor apetite.


The offending agents are usually bacteria, which enter the glandular tissue through the teats, or in rarer cases through infected skin wounds, where they multiply. Inflammation of the mammary glands is more readily seen during or after lactation periods. Other predisposing factors are hormonal treatment or false pregnancy which also activates the glandular tissue and faciliates bacterial invasion.


Symptoms and clinical history are usually sufficient to state a diagnosis, while other underlying causes, i.e. tumors, will have to be ruled out. Treatment with an effective antibiotic is usually curative. In female dogs who suffer repeatedly from the condition, spaying should be considered.

Emergency measures

please consult with your veterinarian if you suspect that your pet may be suffeirng from a case of mastitis.

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