Canine metabolism is quite different from that of humans. Many substances that are harmless for humans can be toxic, or even fatal, for dogs. Some foods, medications, plants, and common household substances must be kept away from your pet. Generally speaking, the greater the amount of a harmful substance ingested, the greater the harm caused to your pet. However, even in small doses, some substances can be harmful. Symptoms of intoxication and poisoning usually develop acutely, but in some cases can take weeks or even months for symptoms to appear. It usually takes a longer amount of time for symptoms to appear if your dog is only being exposed to small amounts of a poisonous substance. Poisoning can affect your pet's organs. Impairment of the stomach and intestine are typical. Symptoms: Usual symptoms of poisoning/intoxication are: excessive salivation, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, circulatory collapse and respiratory arrest can occur. Furthermore, intoxication often causes harm to the central nervous system, and commonly causes symptoms such as seizures, cramps, trembling and collapsing to appear. WARNING: If your dog has consumed a strong acid or base ALL vomiting has to be avoided!!! If your dog has NOT consumed an acid or a base substance, you may attempt to induce vomiting in order to remove the poison or some of it from the body. The simplest way to get your dog to vomit is by feeding him/her salt. To do this, mix one giant tablespoon of salt with 3 ounces -- or 100ml - of water. This method is effective during the first two hours after the poison or intoxicating substance has been consumed. A vet should be consulted if you suspect that your dog may have eaten some kind of poison. If possible, bring along the container or package of the poisonous substance. The prognosis for full recovery is better the sooner treatment is initiated by your vet. Treatments range from gastric lavage (stomach pumping), infusion, and/or the administration of antidotes by your vet. Please read the common advice section for more information on some substances that are potentially toxic for dogs.