
Asthma bronchiale is an allergic reaction of the bronchi, which causes the lower airways to narrow and impede air intake.


Urgency level 5


Danger level 4


Symptoms often appear shortly after contact with the offending agent and take the form of attacks. Asthma attacks can vary from mild to severe. Dry and harsh coughing and retching are commonly seen. In more dramatic cases, breathing becomes rapid and labored. If your dog is suffering from an asthma attack he may start turning blue. This blueness is the result of a lack of oxygen (cyantosis) and can be seen in the gums and conjunctiva, which may look blue-tinged. He/she may also collapse as a result of insufficient oxygen intake.


Common allergens such as dust or dust mites are known to trigger asthma in dogs. So are other airborne particulates such as cigarette smoke, detergents, and aerosol sprays. Seasonally, pollen or plant material can irritate the airways and cause allergies in the spring and summer.


Auscultation (listening) of the lungs is done to reveal distinctive sound patterns of an affected lung. Additionally, blood samples can help to diagnose an inflammatory response of the immune system. Oxygen supply and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reverse an acute asthma attack. Bronchi-dilating drugs may be given concurrently or administered as prophylaxis during sensitive periods.

Emergency measures

Dog is suffering from an acute asthma attack, owners should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. On the way, the animal should be calmed and soothed as much as possible to avoid any further worsening of their condition.

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