
An Inner ear infection can affect both the internal part of the hearing organ - which transforms sound waves into nerve impulses- and the closely associated organ of balance . Both are part of the same organ and lie embedded inside the skull bone.


Urgency level 4


Danger level 4


The symptoms may at first be very similar to those of a typical inflammation of the ear, not least because a labyrinthitis frequently develops as a result of an inflammation of another part of the ear. However, it is typical that the animal at once becomes unstable on its feet, seems to be dizzy or also falls over. The general condition is likewise impaired in most cases. As complication of the labyrinthitis, a damage of the neighboring nerves may evolve what may manifest particularly in form of the Horner's syndrome.


In most cases an inflammation of the inner ear is caused by migrated bacteria which either enter through the eardrum (e.g. after infestation of the auditory canal) into the area of the middle ear, or possibly climbed up from the mouth through the Eustachian tube. The latter may e.g. happen as complication of tonsillitis.


For successful elimination, antibiotics need to be given for a longer period of time. It must be examined whether an inflammation developed as result of another disease. If that is the case, it must be treated where necessary.

Emergency measures

As long as the animal has deficits and dizziness, it should be calmed down as far as possible, not experience too much excitement and soon be brought to a veterinarian.

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